Making A Trade
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Making a trade on ODEX is a 3 step process
Choose the correct market
Select the size of the trade
Confirm the price
On the "Markets" tab you will see options for the main markets that the internal team have created. These include wBTC/USDC and wETH/USDC where you can trade wrapped versions of Bitcoin and Ethereum.
If you are looking to trade a particular token you can use the "Find Market" option and search the token contract address. This will display user created markets for that asset.
You can also create a new market which is discussed in the next guide.
Once you have choosen a market, click "Trade" and you will be taken to the trading interface.
Use the trade slider or click on the orange amount to set a specific trade size. Note that sizing is calculated in the asset being sent to the pool. So for bids the size is in the base asset that you are willing to swap, for asks the size is in the amount of tokens you are willing to sell.
The next screen provides a interface where we choose the price that we want to trade at and confirm the order.
For this buy order we can decide if we want to place it into the book at $1634 which would fill as much volume available and then leave a bid in the book for any remaining. If we lower the price we will not get filled instantly but the order will sit in the orderbook until such time that someone takes the other side.